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Hey I'm talking to you!...You talking to me? Yeah you!

I know you like your food so, if you want to continue to eat you gotta help us. I'm responsible for one in every three bites of your food! Oh, and by the way, we have now landed on the endangered species list and we kinda want to get off it... 20 % of our profits are donated to save us to

save you!

If you want more information read on if not you got the jist of it ...

Honey bees and bumble bees are social and live together, but most bees are solitary. Honey bee hives are typically tens of thousands strong, with one queen bee, a small percentage of male drones, and a majority of female worker bees. Bumble bee nests also have a queen and workers, but are much smaller (in the dozens to low hundreds). Solitary bee nests are often found together, but each nest is managed by a single female, who lays both male and female eggs. Honey bees and bumble bees have both been around for about 30 million years, and it is likely that their bee ancestors first appeared about 130 million years ago. All bees are originally descended from wasps. There are about 25,000 known bee species worldwide (over 250 known bumble bees, and just 9 recognized honey bee species). Many pollinators are disappearing at alarming rates (including honey bees, bumble bees, and other native bees). The solution to pollinator health is not a simple one. Pesticides are weakening pollinator immune systems, leaving them more open to parasites and pathogens. Healthy food sources are disappearing, with “pollinator deserts” replacing once abundant wildflower meadows. People are moving honey bees and bumble bees around commercially, narrowing their genetic diversity and spreading bee diseases and parasites in the process. One of the biggest issues with pesticides is that they compromise bee health at a time when our pollinators are already suffering from so many stressors. Once flower-rich, diverse prairies and meadows have been transformed into sterile monocultures soaked in a variety of agrochemicals. So often, pesticides are mixed (in “tank mixes”) so that many can be applied at once, however the safety of these (to the extent we even have proper safety information) is only ever assessed one chemical at a time. Chemically, these things react, most often forming even more toxic substances (fungicides, for instance, often increase the potency of other insecticides applied with them) Like any other creature, bees benefit from a diverse diet, and they have certain needs in terms of habitats in order to complete their life cycles. Honey bees live in hives typically tens of thousands strong, most often having their needs taken care of by beekeepers. But beekeepers are struggling to keep them healthy in ever-more degraded environments. Mason bees are also “managed” by people as they are fantastic orchard pollinators. But the majority of our bees are native bees, which so often receive no help at all (instead facing a constant onslaught of problems such as poor quality food and few places to call home). Bumble bees and solitary ground-nesting bees are essential pollinators that are particularly impacted by pesticides and a lack of quality habitat. 

If They GO WE GO !

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