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What is it and how it works 

Yes that's right, frequency...

To start, let us say, that everything is vibration. From the chair that you may be sitting in to the paper or the mouse you are holding, everything is in a state of vibration. This is not a new idea. Your ancient mystics have known this for many a millennium, but now your scientists are beginning to understand this and agree. It is a wonderful start.From the electrons spinning around the nucleus of an atom, to the planets spinning around suns in the galaxy, everything is in movement. Everything is in vibration a frequency.

Your DNA is not set in stone. It can be transformed. Every object has a natural vibratory rate. This is called it's resonance. One of the basis principles of using frequrncy as a transformative and healing modality is to understand the idea that part of the body is in a state of vibration. Every organ, every bone, every tissue, every system--all are in a state of vibration. Now, when we are in a state of health, the body puts out an overall harmonic of health. However, when a frequency that is counter to our health sets itself up in some portion of the body, it creates a disharmony that we call dis-ease. What is the mechanism for healing? Resonance. “When two systems are oscillating at different frequencies, there is an impelling force called resonance that causes the two to transfer energy from one to another. When two similarly tuned systems vibrate at different frequencies, there is another aspect of this energy transfer called entrainment, which causes them to line up and to vibrate at the same frequencyIn 1929 George Lakhovsky, a Russian engineer, published a book called, 'The Secret Life' and "waves that heal" which gave birth to an innovative new concept in healing, Radiobiology. In another book titled, 'The Cancer Conspiracy' by Barry Lynes, reviewer Theresa Welsh of The Seeker Books website stated, Lakhovsky maintained all living cells, from people to parasites, produce and radiate oscillations at high frequencies, and they respond to oscillations of different frequencies from outside sources. The world today is bombarded with electro-magnetic impulses from cell phones to microwaves and researchers fear this may be the cause of increased cancer risks. But what happens when outside oscillations concur with the frequency of internal cell oscillations? According to Lakhovsky, and even some modern scholars, the living being grows stronger.

Consider oxygen. It is something that we use everyday, and each of us realize how crucial it is to our survival, yet we aren't able to experience it with touch, taste, smell, hearing or feelings. The fact that we can't experience it with these senses certainly doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We know it does. The reason that we are unable to sense it with our physical sensory perception is because it's rate of vibration is outside of our physical ability to do so.

According to Dr Leonard Horowitz, the 528 Hz frequency has the ability to heal damaged DNA. At the time I am writing this, there is not enough scientific research available on the subject. What we know for sure is that Dr. Horowitz learned the theory that 528 Hz frequency repairs damaged DNA from Lee Lorenzen, who was using the 528 Hertz frequency to create clustered water.

Clustered water is broken down in small stable rings or clusters. Our DNA have membranes that allow water to flow through and clear impurities. Because clustered water is smaller than bound water, it flows more easily through cell membranes and is more efficient in removing those impurities. The larger, bound water does not flow easily through cell membranes, and therefore the impurities remain and can eventually result in illness.

Richard J Saykally from UC Berkeley has explained that the structure of the water molecule gives it special properties and is essential for DNA’s function. Adequately hydrated DNA hold far greater energy potentials than dehydrated strands. Prof. Saykally and other genetics from the University of California, Berkeley have proven that a slight reduction of energized water bathing genetic matrices causes DNA to fail energetically.

Lee Lorenzen and other investigators discovered that six-sided, crystal-shaped, hexagonal clustered water molecules form the supportive matrix of healthy DNA. He suggests that the depletion of this matrix is a fundamental process that negatively affects virtually every physiological function. Biochemist Steve Chemiski says the 6-sided clear clusters that support the DNA double helix vibrate at a specific resonant frequency – 528 cycles per second.

Of course, all these revelations do not mean that 528 Hz will repair your DNA in a direct way. However, if the 528 Hertz can positively affect water clusters, then it can help to remove impurities allowing your body to become and remain healthy and balanced.

In essence, everything in the world is made up of energy. We are all constantly vibrating masses of microscopic particles that are always in motion. Every object, person and organ has a healthy vibration rate called resonance. If that vibration is out of resonance, disease results. These imbalances can be treated with frquencies...

The Power of our Intention another form of frequency

Dr. Masaru Emoto and Water Consciousness
Dr. Emoto was a pioneer in the study of water. His work demonstrated that water is shaped by environment, thoughts and emotions.


Intentions and prayers are extremely powerful tools that you have access to every minute of every day. Affirmations are a related practice that supports the intentions you set and the prayers you speak. Regardless of your spiritual or religious practices, these three tools operate by helping you declare and claim clarity about your vision for your life (learn more in the visioning section of this site). I also believe that they work because they help the universe align with your vision. There is a lot of scientific research that has conclusively proven that the universe responds to our thoughts and feelings. Much of this research is coming out of the field of quantum physics where they have demonstrated that matter is influenced by our intentions. It’s really fascinating stuff! Check out The Intention Experiment. For me, it provides proof of the eleven Spiritual Laws that govern the universe.

Through the 1990’s, Dr. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water.

Emoto hired photographers to take pictures of water

after being exposed to the different variables and

subsequently frozen so that they would form crystalline structures.

The results were nothing short of remarkable..

As you can tell,

the water stamped with positive words is far more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing than that stamped with dark, negative phrases. If you are reading this article on this particular website, you probably already knew that positive and negative thinking have a major impact on the surrounding environment. That concept is relatively easy to grasp, but this extremely tangible evidence of it is astounding. If the words and thoughts that come out of us have this effect on water crystals, it’s amazing to think of what kind of effect they have on the people and events that come into our lives.

Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83%water.

Whether you participate in global meditations, or simply do this inner work in the quiet of your own loving mind and heart, we can heal the body of our earth and recreate a clear, pristine world to hand down to our children for generations.

Every bottle is infused with healing frequency and love, not to mention, the intention of saving our bees. We love you and this planet....

This is what makes us unique and special.

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